CEMS combines its geotechnical and geohydrological expertise with coding knowledge. The Services we offer show CEMS operates at the forefront of automated engineering. We offer software as a service through APIs, also known as Cores. You can try user-friendly samples of our Cores on NUCLEI the public online environment of CEMS. We also assist to build scalable automated design processes in projects.
Cores are the heart of our software products. These geotechnical and geohydrological microservices act as flexible kernels in a parametric workflow. Our Cores are cloud-based ensuring a scalable performance to quickly reach an optimal design. Just send data to our API and get back results immediately. Quality is guaranteed by our experts and documented in validation reports.
Check out which Cores are available! Our current focus is on foundation design with all the components necessary to create a solid design. We have also added new features to the engineering community for an ultimate optimized design.
CEMS focuses on providing a validated and reliable Cores and lets you decide which UI (user interface) you use. All options are available, click your way through an easily accessible UI, like we have in the samples on NUCLEI (the public online environment of CEMS), or use direct scripting with our Core when you are an advanced coder. Low coding options are also readily available in many Jupyter Notebooks and in low coding platforms like Viktor, PackHunt and ParaPy.
Custom code
Direct communication by scripting
Low code
Integrate in Jupyter Notebooks
No code
Take a user-friendly UI to access the Core