In piping, water flows through a sand layer under the dike and comes back to the surface behind the dike. Over time, this internal erosion process creates a continuous connection between the river water and the land behind the dike, weakening the structure and possibly causing it to collapse. Costly interventions are usually required to prevent this, which can have significant environmental consequences.
The detailed analysis and calculation of a dyke section, along with ensuring transparency of all data involved, is a time-consuming and expensive activity. The innovation partners working together within the Sterke Lekdijk project recognised this challenge and wanted to automate this process. By automating these calculations, accurate assessments can be performed faster, resulting in fewer disruptive interventions and subsequently reducing environmental impacts and costs.
To aid the geotechnical interpretation, CEMS developed an interactive geotechnical profile tool designed to assist engineers in interpreting field data such as boreholes, Cone Penetration Tests (CPTs), and laboratory results.
To support the piping risk assessments, CEMS developed, in cooperation with partners, parts of the Piping Tool in VIKTOR.
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Hoogheemraadschap De Stichtse Rijnlanden