We are excited to announce that the Digital Engineering Community has launched the Working Platform Stability App.

We are excited to announce that the Digital Engineering Community has launched the Working Platform Stability App and that it includes ShallowCore to perform the foundation calculations!

Terrain access by heavy machinery can be quite a challenge in the Netherlands. Not all soil profiles are suitable to carry the load, which is why a working platform has to be made.

In this new application the effective load surface of the working platform can be determined according to the CROW 689 guideline.

Together with a CPT interpretation, the bearing capacity of the soil is calculated according to the Eurocode. These calculations are performed with CEMS ShallowCore or Deltares software.

Multiple variations of measurements, e.g. soil improvement or groundwater lowering, can also be calculated at once, allowing the user to optimize their design.

The application is developed within the framework of the Digital Engineering Community, in which CEMS: CRUX Engineering MicroServices BV participates.

Robin Wimmers developed the tool together with VIKTOR and Michel de Koning of CRUX Engineering BV participated in the steering group to supervise the technical content of the tool.

The other companies that contributed to this development are: BAM Infra Nederland, Ballast Nedam, CRUX Engineering BV, Dura Vermeer, Hektec, Heijmans and Mobilis TBI.

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